Moose seemed to disagree with my assessment of Starbuck being a coward. He was judging her based on her external actions and effects and, of course, I was judging her based on her internal struggles and causes. The fact that her behavior is predicated on the internal issues she refuses to address, effectively running from who she really is, in my opinion makes her a coward. You can't run from who you are forever. Those that do, are indeed cowards.
He also didn't like, but could not refute my complaint that the characters never seemed to truly grow. I found their actions very predictable based on the character models I had mentally created for them from the first season or two and they never particularly deviated. The only time the characters experienced any serious change was during the year that passed in the last episode of the second season. Alas, once the story picked back up, all the characters devolved back to their previous archetypes. You can make niggling little arguments for change here and there amongst the crew, but nothing of consequence until four of the final five Cylons are exposed. And then, only their characters, and for obvious reasons.
Gaius Baltar changed the most, progressing from a self serving, hyper-rational intellectual into a faith seeking messiah. But Admiral Adama, in my opinion, changed/grew in the most constructive way. He managed to release a repressed side of himself. Demons he tucked away from his failed marriage. I found it refreshing that the writer's opted to place more of the blame for the failed marriage on the wife and her selfishness. As they say, it takes two to tango, but it was clear that writer's were making her out to be the wedging force that split the marriage. I was glad to see this because it is ridiculously cliche to make the husband's devotion to the job, the reason for failed military/police marriages in movies and on television.
I was indeed disappointed by this overall lack of character growth. I was hoping to witness how this set of characters changed, but it turns out, even the skeletal characters that I have written into my book grow and change more than these characters. Oh well, we can't always get what we want. Speaking of which, it appears Moose and I still disagree with the religious elements I want to add to the story. I think he confuses my intent with his preconceptions of the word religious. I'll have to write it and see how it goes.
I have heard a number of speculations on who the final Cylon will be. I never paid any attention since it was all out of context for me. Having just finished the series so far, I still haven't given it much thought since I wasn't watching the show with such speculations in mind. Personally, I would like to see Romo Lampkin as the fifth Cylon. He was Baltar's lawyer. I don't think it's really him, but I liked his character and wouldn't mind seeing him pop in for a few more episodes.
Of course, if you believe history repeats itself, you can deduce the final Cylon. There is another show that has followed a very similar path that BSG has followed. In particular, this other series had its last season delayed, and then as they started showing the last season, they decided to drag it out and split it into two parts, the second of which was to be presented a year later. Cullen's guessed it already. I'm talking about the Sopranos. In the last episode, just as they're about to show the final Cylon, the screen will cut to black.
I am simply making known my criticism of the show. Critiquing requires that. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the show and will likely watch through it again as it has more value than simply garnering a different sci-fi viewpoint as I did. It's worth watching for its own sake.
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I don't care for Kara Thrace either. I have found myself wanting her to become something more ever since the series started. Callie was the female that I liked the most and I really hated what they did to her, so I had been hoping that she was the final Cylon. Then they would be screwed, lol. That being said, I like Adama and Roslin together.
I was pretty indifferent to Cally. I am pretty sure she can't be the final Cylon seeing as none of the final five have been resurrected. If they were, all the other Cylons would know who they were.
I do not like Roslin, because she is so dishonorable and inappropriately self-righteous. That being said, she is only following in the footsteps of her Gods, conniving ethereal rapists that they are. Hopefully, she'll die soon.
I do like Admiral Adama's character, so I can put up with her as long as she makes him happy. But she really needs to get out of the politics if she is going to continue down her self-destructive path.
No, Callie is definitely not the final Cylon. I just thought it would have been poetic justice if she had been. That, and the fact that she was a pretty kick ass kind of girl when the writers let her be (before they made her all batshit crazy).
No, I'm sure the final Cylon has something to do with Hera. There is a reason for her to be in the dream sequences and it is not because she is a human/cylon offspring, otherwise Nicky would be in the dreams too.
Little harsh on Roslin, aren't you? Granted her moral compass doesn't all point due north, but for a meek little school teacher type, she hasn't done so bad with the hideous job thrust upon her. Adama needs her. That scene after he found out that Tigh was a cylon just crushed me.
I think one of my problems with Roslin is that she is still alive. This is actually an issue with the writer's. I didn't buy the miracle cure that Baltar created. There is no rational reason "markerless" donor blood could be used as a cure. Fine, they're Hollywood TV writer's so how much science can they know? At least they could have attempted to make something up. She's got all those Gods, how about the healing power of prayer?
Furthermore, once word got out about this miracle cure, every cancer patient in the fleet would have been seeking out this fetus to cure their cancer and no one did. Also, was it the fetus blood that was the cure, or was it the baby's blood? They said baby's blood, but it was fetal blood they used; so later when someone dies of cancer, and by then the baby was back in the fleet, there was no offer to at least try to use the baby blood as a cure. Why not? Why not try the baby's blood again?
I could have been much happier with Roslin's character if she had died when she was supposed to. Anyway, there is no way I could like a character who is such an open liar. Even Baltar has more honor than she does.
As for her being meek, the flashbacks to her relationship with the former President and the work she was doing to settle teacher labor disputes, puts her anywhere but in the meek category. Romo Lampkin said it best when he calls her a previously "repressed politician".
Anyway, I am not a woman. I do not require those ridiculous love based subplots that drag a good story down. Err, what I really mean is that it is a good thing those subplots are there, because sex sells.
Oh yeah, I was glad that Saul Tigh maintained his human side. I thought it was awesome that he suggested he be used as a hostage and sent out the airlock to keep all the pilots safe. It's exactly what I expected of his character.
As for the final Cylon, I guess I ought to think about it...
Yep, I had the same problem with the blood issue. Maybe it needed to be fetal blood to work. They didn't bother to explain that satifactorily at all.
Tigh is definitely one of my favorite characters. His leadership qualities came under such fire but only because he had no confidence in himself, being in Adama's shadow for such a long time. Since his discovery, he has delivered in fine form. Quite frankly Adama doesn't deserve his staunch loyalty right now, IMO.
Why not?
Adama backed Saul and had faith in him for thirty years. Even when no one else did. Admittedly Adama was pissed when he found out Saul was a Cylon, but that "faded" quickly enough after the Cylons were given amnesty for, well, being themselves.
So I'm not sure why you would think Saul doesn't owe Adama a little.
By the way, Saul and Baltar are probably my two favorite characters. They are also the characters that grew the most, so go figure that I'd like them the best.
Nothing faded. Why would you think that? He still acts betrayed by Tigh, even though Saul did nothing other than be a Cylon. I think they owe each other. Saul's career comes from Adama, but Adama's authority comes from Tigh's example of loyalty.
On the other hand, how could you like Baltar? Even now he is still self serving and has an overly high opinion of his own value. Quite frankly, my opinion of Roslin went up when she didn't succumb to the desire to let him bleed to death. If that had been me, he would have been airlocked ages ago.
As for Saul and Adama, I guess there really isn't enough evidence to solidly judge their new dynamic. After Saul "confesses" the next time you see the two together is on the irradiated Earth. I don't expect there to be too much of a problem in them becoming friends again seeing as Adama has already befriended an Eight.
As for Baltar, unlike Roslin, he can admit his own mistakes. He's made plenty for sure, but I don't think Roslin is capable of admitting her mistakes. In fact, she probably doesn't even see her mistakes as mistakes, making Roslin every bit as selfish and high minded.
She's a prejudiced, vindictive bitch and it took Lee Adama taking over the presidency for there to be any honest agreement between the humans and the Cylons.
I find it strange that you'd forgive all of Roslin's errors in judgment and use a decision she made in the second to last episode as proof that she's a better person than Baltar. A man who has repented for most of the 4th season and tries to preach good old/new fashioned monotheism.
You're a follower of one of the Christianesque faiths, how can you hate the Jesus Christ character of the show? They even had him grow a beard and let his hair out for you. :-P
1. the "good" characters of the show are not monotheist. That's why they are perceived as the acceptable, good, honest, etc.
2. The mission of Kara is not as easy as it seems. Fighting against sth that you see, trying to become what you perceive is much easier than traveling within yourself to be able to understand what you are really doing in this nonsense world. She is afraid of herself, running away from the power. I think it is understandable. Well, yes, she could have been stronger, I agree. SHe could mature more.
3.I think the writer is not Christian. He hates Christ... He thinks Christians lack free will (I think he feels the same for all monotheistic religions)
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